The Perils of Alice

    Chapter One: To Bondage Land

Alice is on her way home, it had been a long tiring week and was glad to be out of the office. As she passes by the park she feels an urge to just sit and relax, forgetting about the world for a few minutes. She finds a secluded bench as she decides to watch the world become dusk a little. She yawns feeling herself suddenly becoming very tired, thinking she should really be going home.

Gazing up at the sky she feels tired, she has on her normal work clothes, a grey jacket, white shirt, knee length grey skirt, some flat pumps and tights on. The same old exciting outfit, never much reason to wear much else recently. She sighs and lays back, her platinum blond hair still in its tight bun, just a few more minutes maybe.

As she starts to get up she sees something out of the corner of her eye. A white shape darts into the bushes, she rubs her eyes thinking she is just getting tired. Trying to get up again to leave, then seeing the creature is back. It looks like a rabbit, made of glossy white rubber, looking at her it almost seems to be glaring at her.

Alice is overwhelmed with curiosity, she can’t help herself as she follows after the rabbit as it starts to dart off into the woods. Wondering quite why she wanted to follow the creature so much, having the nagging feeling in her mind that she is being lured. She was sure there would be some deep meaning about her job and her life that someone would judge her for, as to why she was alone in the park looking for a rabbit. She finds her way into a clearing, no sign of the rabbit, her heart sinking wondering what she was doing following the creature. She felt a fascination with the unusual creature, being reminded of a young woman who chased after a white rabbit, secretly she had wished for some adventure.

She turns to leave, thinking it really is time for home now. She takes two steps before she feels something around her leg, she looks to the ground to see what it is, but without warning her legs are yanked out from under her, she hits the ground air rushing out of her lungs, rendering her unable to call for help as she is dragged into the ground.

    Chapter Two: A New Dress

Moments later she falls into a chamber, her back slamming into a rubberised pad, knocking the wind out of her again. She lays on the floor trying to get her breath back, unable to work out what was going on. Eventually she managed to gain enough composure to roll off of the assortment of latex.

She stands and dusts herself off, she adjusts her knee length skirt, glad she did not have heels on as she notices the floor is made up of squishy latex. She adjusts her tight blond bun as she looks around the room, the walls were covered in black and red chequered latex pads, and she could not see anything above the pile she landed on, the hole having vanished. Nothing else was in the room, not even a door, but dominating one wall was a large mirror. She walks over to it, half not expecting to see herself in it, everything seeming so strange all of a sudden.

She sees herself looking tired, same as normal. Alice thinks to herself that this is just going to be her having a midlife crisis on a bench some place, there was no way any of this was even real. As she was preoccupied with her thoughts, she suddenly notices that the image in the mirror had changed. It was someone else, in a pale blue shiny dress over a white latex bodysuit, with blond hair and a bow, a mischievous smile on her lips. Alice takes a step back in surprise having not not realised the change, lost in her thoughts.

She watches curiously, watching the woman move in her glossy latex dress, looking confident and sexual. Her eyes widen as she suddenly realises it is her, but not quite her, Alice was not confident and sexy, this woman simply oozed it. But it was not her, she was not moving as she did, enticingly swaying, Alice starts to reach out towards the mirror, seeing a smile cross her doubles lips as she starts to reach out too.

As their fingers touch through the glass, she feels something on her fingers, she pulls her hand back looking at the white paste on them. Alice gasps as the white latex on her fingers starts to quickly spread over her hand and along her arm. As it reaches her jacket it turns to wisps of grey mist as the latex touches it. She desperately tries to get it off with her over hand, doing nothing but getting it all over her, watching in horror as it to starts it’s way up her other arm. It quickly evaporates her jacket and shirt.

It spreads covering her breasts with sticky latex, firmly pulling them up keeping them prominent, she blushes and struggles as they are displayed in front of her. She can feel the latex spreading, cutting her off from the cool air of the chamber as it binds closely to her. Gasping as it starts to go between her legs, encasing her pussy, her heart fluttering as she feels it glide over the lips, she shivers feeling the latex tighten over her, leaving little to the imagination. Before she can worry too much about, it starts to cover her long legs tightly covering them in glossy white latex, pushing all the way under her chin.

Alice gasps feeling it tight on her, hands looking for some sort of opening. The material now slick and glossy, her hands sliding over it, feeling the contours of her body as she does so. Desperately looking for a zip or something, finding the latex so tight she can hardly tell it from her skin. She wriggles as her hands rove over her own body, her mind racing at surprising excitement at the latex.

Alice pants, her chests rising and falling quickly, unable to write off the intense feeling as a dream any more. Before she can compose herself she feels the latex start to shift around her again, a blue frilled dress starts to snake out form her hips billowing out down to her knees, as more starts to creep up under and over her breasts ending in short puffed sleeves. She feels her shoes starting to warp, raising her up onto tall black heels, she wobbles a little looking down at them, the heels much taller than she would ever wear, As she looks down in disbelief she feels her hair unravelling, and falling around her before being pulled back by a black ribbon.

Alice shakily looks around, the outfit seeming to have settled down now, she feels flustered by it, unsure what had even happened. She squirms a little, the latex squeaking as she moves, so very tight, straining against her body. She glances back at the mirror, her heart missing a beat as she sees her double has changed again. Her head covered in a matching shiny blue hood, her features utterly obscured, her blond ponytail streaming out of the back. A corset wrapped tightly around her waist keeping her compliantly upright, thigh length boots tightly laced all the way up, she teeters on impossibly tall heels chained together. Her arms trapped in a sleeve of latex, firmly thrust behind her back.

Alice can’t take her eyes off of her, her heart pounding seeing the woman in such restrictions. She cant explain her excitement at the woman. Her body language had changed, no longer so confident, but seemingly passive but clearly excited as she squirms. She is broken out of her trance as a door in the wall suddenly swings open, she tears herself away to hobble over to the door, the latex squeaking as she struggles to balance.

    Chapter Three: Teetering

Alice stumbles into the room, unable to get used to the high heels. She groans inwardly as she sees another room, similar to the last, padded latex walls and no clear doors. In the centre of the room is a stand with something on it, She wobbles over to it, unable to suppress a moan as she fights the inappropriate excitement at her own peril.

She goes up to the strange thing, seeing a latex podium with a shimmering silver stone in the center. She wonders what it is, her fingers gently tracing over it’s smooth surface. She feels tendrils wrap around her arms and legs, wrapping tightly around her before she can even move. Yelping in surprise they yank taught, straining her limbs as she is held spread eagle in the air. Struggling and groaning as she suspended against her will. Looking over to what is holding her, she sees black tentacles of latex, seemingly moving on their own, slowly slithering up her arms and legs.

She grunts in frustration, suddenly seeing silvery letters hanging in front of her in the air. “What is yellow and dangerous?”. Alice has no idea what on earth was going on, was it a riddle, was it a joke? It was a poor joke, that she knew but why was it asking her. “Shark infested custard?” she asks to nobody in particular. She squeals as her arms are unwrapped and she falls forwards, her legs being jerked up towards the ceiling. Hanging from her feet struggling, her hands free but not so much of help at the moment.

She sighs seeing more words in front of her, it takes some time to work out what it is saying, being the wrong way up now. She starts to read “What can stand, what can run, and when time ends will still be there?”. Alice frowned, she was clearly not going to to get out of here by working out such a serious riddle, regardless she starts to think ideas forming, and waning as she tries to work out what it was going on about.

Water! she shouts triumphantly, oddly pleased with herself at working it out. Her joy is short lived as she falls to the floor getting the air knocked out of her yet again. She lays on the floor panting, she gasps and tries to get up, pleased with herself for getting it right. Oddly something stops her legs from moving very far apart. She looks down to see leather cuffs around her legs, hearing an audible clicking as the lock shut. She squeaks in the surprise as the chains between them rapidly slink tight together, drawing her legs together until they are only inches together.

She yelps as she falls onto her ass into an undignified heap. Alice scrabbles at the cuffs, unable to do anything as they are tightly around her ankles. She thinks to herself that “this was distinctly unfair, and really the cuffs should be for the looser, not if she got it right, well she did get it right?”. She sighs and lays on her back. There was no way she got the stupid riddle wrong, she was smarter than that, than this stupid place and the dumb tricks.

She struggles, trying to pull her legs apart, but is utterly stuck. She sighs trying to relax, her heart pounding full of fear at not being able to move her legs. She groans trying to move her legs again, feeling a swell of excitement she she feels them unable to move far away from each other. She grips the latex padding of the floor, shocked at the wash of emotions rolling over her, feeling helpless and excited by it. She lays on the floor withering for some time, until she rolls onto her front and notices the open door, bringing her focus back to the strange place.

She pulls herself up onto her knees, and with quite some effort manages to get onto her feet. She tries to make her way over to the door, her arms out to keep balanced as she stumbles and squeaks to the new door, blushing profusely. The latex tight around her body, sweat covering her from her overexcitement as she tries to carry on to whatever waits for her next.

    Chapter Four: Silence

She finds herself in another similar room, padded latex walls and nothing but a table at the far wall. Alice walks over to the small table, her latex covered thighs squeaking together as she hobbles over on her tall heels, she sees two bottles full of viscous liquid, a sign above saying "Drink" One labelled "Quiet" full of a red liquid, One labelled "Loud" full of a pink one. Alice picks them both up gently shaking them, watching the fluids gloop about.

Alice thought to herself, "One should really not be putting unknown things into her mouth, but how else was she going to get out of this padded room, and besides the sign had demanded so nicely."

She uncorked the red one, (she had always thought bright pink was not really for her), the cork slid out with a satisfying pop. The smell of aniseed wafting from it, she decided to drink it quickly before she thinks better of it. She quickly drinks the thick liquid trying to swallow it promptly, the smell filling her nose as she drinks it.

Alice tries to swallow it, but she can't, feeling the liquid ball up inside her mouth getting larger and larger. Alice’s eyes widen and her hand shoots up to her mouth, she can feel the now firm ball pushing between her teeth keeping her mouth forced open. Alice moans in protest around the large ball now filling her mouth, without warning black straps shoot out of the sides and wrap firmly around the back of her head, an authoritative clicking noise as it locks in place making her heart drop.

Alice leans against the table, her heart almost beating out of her chest, she moans hopelessly around the gag, full of fear and excitement. She snorts in frustration, arousal washing over her, sweating profusely under the tight latex outfit. Her attention is caught by a door swinging open in the wall, opening the way to her next ordeal. At this rate she was going to be pretty helpless before she managed to get out of here.

    Chapter Five: A Latex Sea

Alice falters into the new room, wondering quite how long this was going to go on for. Again the room was the same, but the floor was different. It appeared to be made of liquid, seemingly the same white latex from the mirror. She shivers thinking about what falling in could do to her. Glancing around she cant see any way across the pool, and the door had already shut behind her. As she was deliberating how to get across something, starts to move under the surface a beam slowly pulls itself free from the liquid opening the way across.

She tries to compose herself, knowing this was going to be tricky, and by now she knew she had little choice in this. She outstretches her arms and looks down at her feet, knowing she needed to focus if she was going to get across. She tentatively steps onto the beam, the chain stopping her moving her legs very far with each step.

She managed to keep her cool, focusing intently on her feet, step by step, she inches forwards. Nervously she glances up quickly, giving into her curiosity. Smiling to herself, seeing she was just over halfway. Just as the she was thinking that, one of her heels slip. Alice lets out an undignified squeal as she topples over, her arms flailing wildly trying to keep balanced.

She grunts as she hits the liquid, a splash of latex spilling up from the impact. Surprised to find that the liquid was only a few inches deep, she struggles to push her self up, trying not to panic as she tries to get back onto her hobbled feet. As she pulls up to her knees she sees the latex pool start to move up around her, clinging to her arms and legs.

Before she can move much, she notices that her arms are now thickly coated in latex, she feels them trying to move her arms. She struggles, fighting against the movement, finding her hands getting balled up making her fingers useless. She thrashes and moans around the gag as her arms are slowly but inevitably pulled behind her back. As her arms start to meet behind her strands from each arm latch onto the other, firmly pulling her elbows together as her eyes bulge and she groans helplessly. Soon her arms are totally wrapped up behind her in a thick latex sheath, she feels her legs are now also coated in a latex sheath. She squirms starting to panic, she could hardly move now. What was this place, why on earth was this getting her so excited, this was not right at all.   she squirms and moans collapsing onto her side in the now empty pool, unable to suppress a whimper.

Alice had no idea how long it was until she felt calm enough to try and stand, working up onto her knees. She tries to get up, the sheath around her legs stopping her as she struggles to get up. Eventually she just falls on her face again, squirming in frustration. Looking about the room she sees there is now a black latex circle across the room on the wall she was heading to, only able to see it in her current position, with the word “Freedom” above it. She snorts in frustration as she starts to inch forwards, squirming and wriggling along the latex floor, feeling distinctly undignified.

    Chapter Six: Freedom

She squirms over to what seems to be a black latex tunnel, panting as she desperately tries to get her breath back. Wondering what on earth this trap was, what this ordeal was going to be. She spends a few minutes just staring at it, not trusting what it will do. Eventually she decided she has to risk it and touch it, but without her hands that would be hard. She sighs and gives in, pushing her nose against the hole, to her surprise the hole opens up a little, keeping away from her face enticing her in.  

Really thinking this is a stupid idea she starts to slide her torso into the tube, pushing herself in with her feet she starts to wriggle herself into the opening tunnel. She squirms and wriggles deeper, snorting as she struggles to get far. She keeps going, really hoping this was going to work.

After a few minutes she was deep into the tube, not being able to see much any more in the dark. She stops for a moment to catch her breath, sweating in the latex, moaning helplessly. As she lays in the tube, she feels the tunnel starting to close around her a little, she starts to move again worried she was taking too long, but the latex just fits around her, not impeding her, she relaxes and carries on her way. She does not get much further before she feels something on her leg, a gentle caress by what feels like a hand. Her heart pounds in shock, she yelps and tries to force herself forwards, but the restraints make it hard. She feels another hand caress her face, another on her ass, she whimpers as she tries to move quickly. She moans as more and more latex hands start to form, they caress and grope her, squeezing her ass and breasts, one starting to rub between her legs. She desperately wriggles through the tunnel, excitement starting to replace fear unable to keep going as quickly now.

She debates giving in, just letting the hands have her, whatever they wanted, maybe just groping her until she orgasms. She stops, her heart racing, she feels the hands all over her, every inch of her latex clad body, under her dress, between her legs, around her breast. She gives in letting them take what they want from her, she feels her arousal wanting to orgasm, she moans loudly as she comes close.

Without warning the hands stop, pulling away from her quivering excited form. Leaving her alone and trapped in the tube, she mewls in frustration realising how close she was. Snorting in annoyance she starts to wriggle again, seeing a glimmer of light through the latex.

Soon she is outside, among trees, and a blue sky. But Alice ignores all of this, sitting on the floor her knees up, pouting like when she was younger, fuming at not getting what she wanted. In her blue latex dress, full of arousal and shame, sobbing in frustration getting exceedingly damp between her legs. She grunts and tries to move her arms, desperate to be able to touch herself, she tries getting up, managing to get to her knees before stumbling over. She keeps trying, each failure eliciting an undignified whine every time she falls, unable to keep calm any more. The whole situation just driving her to frustration, her body shaking as she struggles.

She finally manages to get to her feet, starting to hop to a close tree. Leaning against it as she pants from exhaustion and excitement. She tries to rub against the tree in frustration, only making things worse as her legs cant open wide enough, and even if they could the big latex dress was not going to let her get much done. She slumps to the floor, sitting on her own legs, pouting in disappointed, desperate to orgasm. She leans against the tree and whimpers in exhaustion.

    Chapter Seven: The Creature

After some time, the sun hanging low in the sky, Alice manages to get herself to her feet again, using
the tree for support, sniffing still feeling ashamed at herself and wronged at the same time. She looks about wondering what on earth to do now.

Before she can hobble onto somewhere else she feels something wrapping around her legs and coiling up around her. She snorts in shock, looking down to see a coil of tight black latex, feeling it squeeze against her as it slides up her body. She feels dread rising as she watches the shimmering black latex scales slowly wrap around her, her eyes roll back as it starts to squeeze the air out of her making it hard to breathe under the tight constraints. The creature raises its head to look into her eyes, green eyes staring deep into her, she can feel the end of its tail slip under her dress to caress her vagina, she groans helplessly as the creature starts to speak.

With a raspy sexy voice the snake talks “What have we here, a little parcel, all trussed up?”. Alice moans around her gag, the snake seemingly uninterested in her moaning, happily watching her drool. The snake tightens around her, making her squirm, clearly enjoying tormenting her.

“I have watched you little girl, seeing your tantrum at not getting what you want, you should not be aroused by this now, should you?” Alice struggles, blushing deeply, trying her best to deny it around the gag. The snake grins at her “Don’t worry girl, your fate has been decided, and you will be pleased to know your permission will not be asked” Alice’s heart races, not sure what the snake means, but cant deny the excitement from the words. With that that snake gently breathes into her face green smoke that drifts around her head and into her nose, making her stagger feeling light headed as the snake slithers away giggling.

Alice staggers about, unable to focus, thoughts racing through her mind in a green haze. Her mind showing her double all clad in latex, utterly helpless, or was it her. She gasps realising she wanted it to be her, desperate for it. To be hopelessly sealed up in latex, toyed with and caressed. She whimpers weakly feeling latex creep up her face and cutting off light from her eyes.
    Chapter Eight: A Party?

Alice moans as she starts to come around, waking back into, whatever this world was. She was in a clearing, she could see figures dancing around in front of her, sounds of merriment and laughter. She pulls herself to her feet, surprised to find she was just in her white latex and the blue dress. Still in the awkward heels, but no cuffs or gag. She smiles to herself, unsure if this was good or bad. She nervously plays with the hem of her dress, still feeling aroused and out of place.

She watches the figures nearby, each one seeming tall and pale, unearthly beautiful as they move about, each one clad in tight black latex as they dance about. She notices that some are gagged, some even have arms tied behind their backs, others lay off to the side hog tied like bundles of helpless sexual arousal.

Alice enjoys the show seeing the creatures move about sensually, she feels a hand on her shoulder gently pushing her into the midst of the merrymaking, suddenly in among them being pulled into the group, as they gently investigate her, the party carrying on around her. She is overwhelmed by all the latex bodies, surprised to find them pushing up against her, feeling hands explore, too shocked to complain, a smile on her lips as she becomes part of the group.

One pushes herself up against Alice, she blushes feeling her breasts against her. The woman smiles and whispers, her musical voice touching Alice's ears. “Is lovely to see such a well dressed stranger joining us, how naughty you are, but don't let the queen know” she puts a finger to her lip and slips back into the group giggling. Alice watches her go in amazement, feeling overwhelmed by the situation.

Suddenly someone pulls her around, she stumbles on her heels into the arms of a taller woman who takes her in a firm grasp, forcefully taking a kiss from Alice’s lips a hand behind her head keeping in place. Alice struggles a little, the pretence quickly falling as she kisses back enjoying the kiss of the stunningly attractive woman. She feels someone behind her, yanking her elbow behind her as she squeaks in pain. She struggles to turn around, the tall woman forcefully keeping her in place, her eyes full of mischief as she feels her elbows cuffed together so they touch, locks clicking closed hearing giggles as her ass cheeks are squeezed. The woman lets go of her, and she spins around feeling flustered and excited. Wanting to confront the woman, her heart pounds in excitement and fear seeing the woman gone into the crowed. She pouts in annoyance, an audible whack sounds out as her ass is given a hard spank, her mouth wide open in a silent yep at the sudden pain. Spinning back to see the other woman gone too.

She pouts, suddenly helpless again looking about the crowd. Some giggling at her sudden loss of freedom, feeling herself blush, her hands free but unable to do anything with them. She looks about, unable to tell who tricked her any more. She stumbles about looking for help, each one giving her a grope or a kiss instead of helping. She just gets more and more flustered, still unable to reach around between her legs.

Her attention is pulled towards a large table along with most of the others, seeing someone standing on the table, giggling happily as she addresses the crowd. “As we all know, a kinky poem is always appreciated” she draws her breath about to start into what seems to be a long poem. Just before she can start another comes up behind her and forces a ball gag into her wide open mouth, the crowed laughs.

Alice giggles seeing the poet forced onto her knees, ropes being wrapped around her arms, as her elbows are forced together pushing her breasts out. Her legs are forced to the sides, each leg bent and tied to her calves. Her pretty face is scrunched up in panic, she struggles and squirms but it is far too late. Her captor casually puts her hand between the poets legs and starts to stroke her. Her eyes widen as she suddenly realises that she is going to be putting on a very different show for everyone, as she starts to moan loudly around the gag.

Alice bites her lip, watching as an orgasm is tugged inch by inch from the woman's helpless body. Excitement swelling in her, watching intently at the struggling latex form. Musical sounds are dragged from the poet, given no time to resist as she get louder and closer. Her eyes closing as she comes close to the end of her performance, eventually giving in and writhing in elation as an orgasm shudders through her, eventually slumping into the arms of her captor, blushing as the crowd claps. At that moment Alice hears a loud horn and the party erupts into chaos to shouts of “The Guards!”.
    Chapter Nine: The Guards!

Alice spins about, surprised as more figures come out of the trees from all sides. Each one as stunning as the revellers, but each in white leather armour and wielding batons sparking with power. Alice stands in place shocked and unable to take stock of the situation. She watches in shock as the white warriors start to effectively round up the guests, each one getting pushed to the floor and tightly hog tied, leaving her squirming before they move onto the next one. Some of them take little effort to capture being partly bound already making it a simple task, others attempt to fight back but are effectively overcome. The clearing is filled with the sounds of moans of helpless people, Alice was not sure they were all moans of complaint.

Alice makes a dash for the tree line, suddenly finding an urge to escape. Her heels making it hard to get much speed up, she sees arms make a grab for her trying to dodge out of the way. The hand just manages to grab her, trying to pull her close. A sudden urge to fight springing up as she drives her knee into the guards side knocking her grip from her as Alice stumbles away from her. Before she can get to the trees she feels something jab into her back as a guard catches up to her. As the baton strikes her she feels a devastating wave of arousal torment her body as it connects.

She stops dead in her tracks, her back arching her mouth wide as she is paralyzed by the feelings assaulting her. As she falters hands grab her and force her roughly to the floor, her head pushed into the grass as the hands get to work. Ropes are bound around her ankles, pulling legs together. Her knees are similarly bound before her feel are pulled up until they connect to her rear. She feels her body contorted, back arched as she was tied into an agonising hog tie. Alice starts to panic “I am not with them, I am just lost, please let me go!”. The guards ignore her, yanking the ropes tighter, feeling hands molest her as the guards start to take advantage. “Get off me”, she cries in sudden anger, “I am not something for you to play with, I am not some object!”.

The guards laugh at her, a hand slapping her ass, making her whimper. “Seems the Anomaly needs to be shown what she wants” they giggle at her one of them grabbing a handful of hair and pulling her head back roughly as the other one forces a large ball gag between her teeth as she struggles, her hairband getting lost, making her blond hair mat to her face. Alice feels the arousal of the stun fading, simply replaced with real arousal as she is roughly moved. She squirms her mind racing, how did this happen to her, was all of this a trap of some sort to lure her here? She had always joked about being a dull wage slave stuck in an office for hours. Now it seems her fate to was to an over excited latex slave. She groans unable to work out why, since she saw that rabbit she had been so aroused by all of this, all of it was so taboo, and all of it deeply exciting.

Alice is dumped in front of the table, her hair given a harsh tug by the annoyed guard, eliciting a moan around the gag to be met with laughter and her cheeks flushing. Lined up with all the others at the party, each hog tied and squirming in evident excitement. A guard goes around checking each one is gagged, elating an excited moan as gags are slipped into helpless mouths. They are all left to squirm next to each other, moaning loudly fear being drowned out by excitement. Alice cranes her head up as a guard stands up on the table holding up a scroll.

Her musical voice demands to be listened to as she starts to read “As decreed by the Red Queen, any and all Anomalous individuals shall and will be hunted down. Upon capture all rights are forfeit and they become property of the Red Queen to do with as she sees fit, becoming slaves for eternity.” Alice groans hopelessly with the others, feeling her heart pound, squirming at the words, unable to do anything about it, the name “slave” exciting her more than she would have ever guessed.

She keeps struggling, panic long suppressed by inappropriate arousal, just simply enjoying the feeling of helplessness. She whimpers as a blindfold is slipped over her eyes and she is lifted up. She is loaded into a cart with the others, their warm quivering bodies rubbing again each other as they are loaded up like stock for market. She feels all the bodies in the wriggling mass rubbing up against each other, just constant groans of arousal. She nuzzles against someone, unsure what part it is as her drool is spread across latex, hair sticking to it as she writhes desperately wanting more. She groans as the cart sets off down a bumpy road into the night.

Chapter Ten: Queen's Pleasure

After hours and hours the cart finally comes to a halt, she feels others getting pulled out of the cart, she hears moans as each one is taken out, each weak with arousal. Alice feels herself lifted out, feeling like a wrapped up package as she is unable to see anything at all. Her legs are removed from the hog tie as she is placed on shaky feet, still her knees are tied together, her feet inches apart again. She feels a hand at her back pushing her forwards, making her march forwards. Guards keep her moving, barely able to keep balanced as they shove her, occasionally slapping her ass seemingly out of fun. Alice blushes profusely, her mind thinking up her fate, the guards clearly keen to abuse her, she tries to suppress erotic thoughts on what they might do to her later. She feels herself pushed down onto her knees, the sounds of boots getting quieter and quieter. She snorts, stiff and helpless as she is left alone.

Suddenly the blindfold is pulled from her, blinking in surprise as she sees a woman sat in front of her. Looking similar to the people she saw before, but looking more commanding than the others, black thigh boots over crimson latex, and black long leather gloves. She looks down her long black hair in a braid, she opens her mouth her voice instantly enthralling her. “Hello Alice, it has been nice to watch you struggle your way to my feet”.

Alice groans hopelessly looking up at the woman, feeling an instant urge to here on her knees, she blushes deeply unable to say anything but moan. The woman simply smiles at her reaching down to her and wrapping a white leather collar around her throat and sitting back in her chair. Alice feels something inside her change, suddenly feeling very passive and compliant, looking down at the floor from her helpless position.

She hears the silky voice again “Don't worry my dear Alice, as an Anomalous you will be pleased to know you will be permanently enslaved, so do all like you crave really. I have decided to train you myself, unlike those we found you with, I think they will make fine gifts.” She runs a finger along the collar smiling as Alice blushes. Her words sparking thoughts inside her, the idea of the party goers getting handed out as gifts, the sheer excitement at that thought shocked her. What did she mean by training even? Was she an Anomalous, was this all to put her in her place, to take her freedom from her forcefully, why was she so excited at this, why did she deeply want this. The Queen strokes her hair, still matted to her face, the sweat from all the bodies and the arousal. “And this will let me into your Anomalous mind, seeing exactly what you are hiding” the Queen purrs to her.

Alice starts to squirm again as she feels her outfit moving over her skin. Her dress pulls back up into her waist and starts to spread over her, the white latex becoming blue pulling her legs together along with her arms into a sheath resembling the ones from before. The latex smoothing off leaving just a perfect outline of her body. She struggles feeling the latex start to pull over her chin and over her face, unable to do anything about it as it covers her eyes shutting off the world, the only part of Alice that could be seen was a ponytail of her blond hair.

She can hear the woman gently whisper to her, letting her know how trapped she is now, how much she should be here. Moaning around the gag feeling even more excited, desperately squirming. She feels a hand on her head, “Lets give you a little treat Slave”. Heart pounding at the name, she feels her mind start to fog, an image forming in her mind as the Queen starts to show her the revellers one last time.

Alice can see a large room full of people, her focus pulled to one in particular, she recognises it as the woman who tricked her with a kiss. She is now completely nude, her pale skin gorgeous in the light, watching her struggle. Arms shackled tight behind her back, breasts shown off prominently, legs shackled together. Guards are forcing her to march across the room, the ball gag making her drool onto her breasts as they bounce along with her shuffling next to the guards. They reach a point next to another prisoner, a dildo attached to the wall and a chain running up to the ceiling. The guards hook her wrist cuffs to the chain, that slowly starts to tighten pulling her arms up, the guards force her to bend over facing away from the dildo. The chain tautens, keeping her arms uncomfortably above her, forcing her to stay bent over. The guards force her backwards, driving the dildo into her anus as she desperately objects as it is forced deep into her. She tries to struggle as the guards chain her legs to a hoop in the floor rendering her unable to move at all. The guards giggle at the squirming woman, one slapping her for good measure before they go to get another prisoner to prepare, leaving her to struggle with the other Anomalies, as the seen pulls back Alice can see all of them, squirming in forbidden bliss.

She can see the poetess impaled on a dildo, squirming on it. Struggling next to her, is the one who tormented her, arousal in both their eyes seeing the other, not quite close enough to touch each other, but they struggle anyway. She recognises the one who took a kiss from her, the once seemingly assertive woman reduced to a struggling nude trinket, sweat glistening on her skin, head forcefully bowed, rendering height negligible. She sees others she had seen before, each one in helpless arousal. Alice is glad they are there, each one suffering, each one forced into her new life.

The musical voice comes back to her as her vision vanishes, leaving her in darkness. “All Anomalies must be contained, those who show a hint of meekness, shall be enslaved, as is their place, to be playthings to the forceful”. Alice hears a giggle just before she feels the gag in her mouth start to change shape, as it becomes longer and larger, feeling it force into her throat gagging her totally, barley able to moan as she feels it lodge firmly inside. She shakes her head, almost in mock discontent. The latex ignoring her regardless as she feels it start to probe between her legs, she grunts as similar things start to push into her vagina and anus, pushing deep into her, ignoring her squirming. Going until she is a squirming panting mess of excitement. She feels a hand stroke her head, knowing her torment is only just starting, and she was so aroused by that.

    Epilogue: Her Fate

Alice moans and squirms her hips, forcing the dildos to wriggle inside her desperately aroused, still trapped in her blue latex prison desperate to orgasm. She feels a hand on her head, she instantly stops moving at the silent command. She had no idea how long she had been here, squirming in hopeless ecstasy, weeks maybe, or months even. She did not know, just wanted it to carry on. Her thin toned body perfectly covered in latex, the Queen forced her to develop her body, working out until her form was to her liking, her ideal object to show off.

She tries her best to distract from the plugs and her needs, she thinks of her old life long gone. She sighs recalling friends she would never see again, trying her best to distract herself. She suddenly hears a whisper in her ear, “Your friends seem interesting, but a little Anomalous maybe. Do you think we should show them their real place Alice?” Alice can see their faces, looks of worry in their eyes, gags forcing mouths open as they look to her pleadingly. Their heads shaking, trying to convince Alice not to do it.

She moans and nods her head, feeling a desperate need to have them hopelessly enslaved, squirming next to her. Feeling a rush of arousal knowing she had condemned her friends to a life of slavery. The Queen strokes Alice's head, “Wonderful, soon your friends will be here with you, knowing that you have selfishly damned them to this life. As they are unwillingly lured here and tormented”. Groaning loudly knowing what she had done, desperately squirming against the dildos again, as latex white rabbits scamper to another world.


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